Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Short Introduction

I, Gus, vow to take you, the reader, on a safari in my world of insects.  I hope that my love of insects will interest you as well.  I try to find at least one insect a day.  I also have three younger brothers who come along on my insect safari (Widget, Pook and Snookems).

I am so excited that I cannot wait until next time.  I found this insect right after I decided to start this blog!

I will first show you my discovery of the leaf-footed bug.

The leaf-footed bug are in the order Hemiptera.  Their larva are called nymphs which look like the adults but are smaller and have no wings.  They eat on plants in their surroundings. They have a white line across their backs.  Their legs are flattened to look like leaves.  Most of these bugs are brown in color.

I did not need to go very far for this insect safari.  I found this little guy at my house right outside my door!

Next time, we will discover the Black Swallowtail.

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